Open Special Issue Crop Productivity and Sustainable Agro-ecosystems Submission Deadline:Friday, 28 December 2019

Open Special Issue

Crop Productivity and Sustainable Agro-ecosystems


Guest Editor: Prof. Dr. Miklós Fári



Department of Plant Physiology and Biotechnology, Institute of Plant Science, Debrecen University, Hungary


Submission Deadline:Friday, 28 December 2019


Call for Papers


Agricultural production faces various kinds of stresses in a changing world. These stresses effect on the agroecossytem compartments including soil, water, cultivated crops, air, and animals as well as humans. The agroecosystem is the most important enviremnrment, in which our life suffer from several global problems such as pollution, cliate changes, etc.We inviteresearch articles,reviewsandshort communicationon any titles based on the following topics:

1. Agroecosystem and nutrient cycling

2. Soil Microbial Activity and Agroecosystem

3. Sustainable soil microbial management of organic waste in agroecosystem

4. Soil microbes in organic farming for sustainable agroecosystem

5. Soil enzyme activity for sustainable plant nutrition

6. Sustainable management of soil waterlogging and microbial agro-ecosystem

7. Sustainable plant nutrition and rhizosphere

8. Soil organic matterfor sustainable cropproductivity

9.Soil pollutants and cropproductivity

10. Sustainable cropproductivityfor global human health

11.Crop growth-promoting rhizobacteria for sustainable agriculture

12. Sustainable agroecosystem and agriculture

13. Sustainable biological systems for agriculture

14. Potential Applications of Nanotechnology in Biological Systems

15. Potential of Nano- and Bio‑fertilizers in Sustainable Agriculture



Manuscript Guidelines

The official deadline for submission is 28July 2019. However, if you need more time to prepare the manuscript, an extension could be arranged. Submitted papers should not have been published previously, nor be under consideration for publication elsewhere and iThenticate program must be used for checking plagiarism. Peer review is commissioned immediately upon receipt of the paper and the paper will be published as soon as final acceptance is provided..



JSAS publication Charges

Every peer-reviewed research article accepted in this special issue will be published open access. This means that the article is universally and freely accessible via the internet in perpetuity, in an easily readable format immediately after publication. The article processing charge is 150$ (US dollars)for more information see:

This journal included into the following indexing databases:

OAI, Agricola, NLM, PubMed, J-Gate, DOAJ, ISC, Copernicus, Serials Solutions Summon



How to Submit


Please visit the guide for Authors before submitting a manuscript at:

Manuscripts should be submitted through the online manuscript submission and editorial system at


We hope you will find this topic of interest and look forward to hearing from you. If you have any questions on the matter, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Kind regards,


Prof.Dr. Miklós Fári

Guest editor