Studying the Training Needs of Extension Workers in the Field of Climate Change and its Impact on Fish Production in Kafr El-Sheikh Governorate

Document Type : Original Article


1 Department of Agricultural Economics, Faculty of Agriculture, Kafrelsheikh University

2 Agricultural Extension and Rural Development Research Institute, Agricultural Research Center, Sakha


The research aims mainly to identify the training needs of extension workers in the field of climate change and its impact on fish production in Kafr El-Sheikh governorate. All the questionnaires were completed from the respondents in the study sample by 25%. The most important results were as follows: - 79.6% of agricultural extension agents have training needs and 54.0% of agricultural extension agents were represented in the low category according to36.3% of extension agents had no training needs, while 40.7% of the extension agents were in the low category according to their training need to know the phenomena of climate change. 13.3% of agricultural extension workers had no training needs, while 73.5% of agricultural extension agents were represented in the low category according to their training needs for the apparent impact of climate change. There are five variables that contribute significantly to explaining the differences in the training needs of agricultural extension agents for researchers in the field of climate change and their impact on fish production, namely: educational qualification, communication with agricultural resources, experience in agricultural work, and experience in the field of climate change. Fish production, job satisfaction.


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