The Role of Agricultural Chemical Dealers in Disseminating Extension Recommendations Related to it in the Desouk District, Kafrelsheikh Governorate

Document Type : Original Article


1 Dept of Agric. Extension, Fac. of Agric., Kafrelsheikh University

2 جامعة کفر الشيخ - کلية الزراعة- قسم الإقتصاد الزراعي - شعبة الإرشاد الزراعي

3 Dept. of Agricultural Extension, Kafrelsheikh University


The research mainly aims to identify the role of agricultural chemical dealers in disseminating extension recommendations related to them in the Desouk District, Kafrelsheikh Governorate. A systematic random sample of 39% of the comprehensive total was selected, which amounted to 50 respondents. The data was entered into the computer and analyzed using the statistical analysis program SPSS, version 26. Several statistical tools were used, including: frequency, percentage, arithmetic mean, standard deviation, and average score. The most important results were: 44% of those whose overall performance score for their role in disseminating extension recommendations related to the use of agricultural chemicals were medium or high. And that 76% of them had a medium or high degree of performance in their advisory role in disseminating general extension recommendations, and 80% of them had a medium and high degree of performance in their extension role in disseminating extension recommendations using pesticides, and 90% of them had a moderate or high degree of performance in their role in disseminating extension recommendations related to the use of agricultural fertilizers. The most important problems facing the respondents in performing their role in disseminating extension recommendations related to agricultural chemicals were: the spread of some unlicensed shops at a rate of 98%, then the failure to implement training programs for agricultural chemical dealers on how to disseminate extension recommendations at a rate of 94%, followed by the lack of the necessary flexibility in Licensing procedures for agricultural chemical dealers by 92%.


Main Subjects