Farmers adopted the technical recommendations for growing cucumber crops at Kafr El-Sheikh Governorate

Document Type : Original Article


1 Department of Agricultural Economics, Agricultural Extension Branch, Faculty of Agriculture, Kafr El-Sheikh University, Egypt

2 Agricultural Extension and Rural Development Research Institute, Agricultural Research Center, Sakha


This research mainly aimed to identify the level of farmers’ adoption of technical recommendations for the cucumber crop in Kafr El-Sheikh Governorate. A district was chosen randomly from the ten administrative district in Kafr El-Sheikh Governorate. The random selection resulted in the Desouk district. This was followed by testing two villages at random from among the district,s villages, and the random test resulted. For each of the villages of Jamajmoun and the village of the church, the target sample size was 186 respondents. The data necessary to achieve the research objectives was completed using a personal interview questionnaire. Percentages, arithmetic mean, and standard deviation were used. The most important results were: the distribution of respondents according to their level of adoption. It indicates that 92%, about 80%, about 90%, about 83%, about 75%, and about 70% of the total respondents fell into the categories of low and medium adoption of the technical recommendations for (preparing and preparing the land for planting cucumber, wild and light crops). By patching and hoeing the cucumber crop, fertilizing the cucumber crop, combating cucumber crop insects, combating cucumber crop diseases, and harvesting the cucumber crop). The results indicated that the respondents relied on traditional sources in obtaining information, such as neighbors, friends, and pesticide dealers, in obtaining what they needed from Knowledge in the field of cucumber cultivation in the hope of applying it in their fields and increasing their production.


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