The impact of the application of information systems for the development of Egyptian agricultural cooperative societies

Document Type : Original Research Paper


1 Department of Regional Research and Studies - Agricultural Economics Research Institute - Agricultural Research Center

2 Department of Agricultural Economics - Faculty of Agriculture - Ain Shams University


The development of farmers' skills, and the traditional methods of obtaining information or presenting information depend on agricultural extension workers. Their very low number led to weak agricultural extension, and accordingly, this led to a decline in the effectiveness of farmers, as the Egyptian state is witnessing a technology and information revolution. A technological and informational revolution in a way that keeps pace with the developments and changes taking place to maintain its position and continuity in the field of competition and increase its exports. Information systems are the primary source for obtaining data and information, which is the tool for making the right decisions in a timely manner, thus providing an accurate, appropriate, clear and easy environment that enables the decision-maker to evaluate problems and then develop policies and procedures to solve them.
The use of the information system in the field of agriculture will contribute to making decisions, solving targeted problems, storing, updating, maintaining and retrieving information at the time of need by organizing activities to be interrelated according to information systems, which qualifies them to survive and compete with the private and public sectors, which results in improving performance and the possibility of analyzing data and information and improving Marketing, division Markets are in the form of sectors, and follow-up of their agricultural problems, as well as farmers’ follow-up of modern agricultural news and methods, which will result in education, education and agricultural knowledge, a result increase productivity and profits, as well as added value to crops
