Partial Replacement of Chemical NPK Fertilizers with Liquid Compost and Banana Pseudostem Sap in ‘Sewy’ Date Palm (Phoenix dactylifera L.)

Document Type : Original Research Paper


1 Horticulture Department, Faculty of Agriculture, Sohag University

2 Horticulture Department. Faculty of Agriculture, Sohag University

3 Horticulture Department, Faculty of Agriculture, Kafrelsheikh University


Effects of partial or total replacement of inorganic fertilizers by liquid compost (LC) and banana pseudostem sap (BPS) on growth, yield and fruit physical and chemical characteristics of ‘Sewy’ date palm were investigated in this study. The recommended inorganic fertilization program (2.985 kg ammonium nitrate -0.5 kg mono calcium superphosphate – 1 kg potassium sulphate /palm/year) was applied as a control, and five rates of LC and BPS (4, 8, 12, 16 and 10 L/palm) in combination with 80, 60 and 20% of the control. Results show that using 60% inorganic fertilizers + 8 L BPS or LC enhanced vegetative growth in terms of leaf and leaflet parameters, leaf nutritional status, fruit set, yield and fruit physical (weight, diameters, length and flesh weight) and chemical properties (TSS, sugars, acidity, crude fiber, nitrate and nitrite contents). However, using 60% inorganic fertilizers+ 8 L BPS showed the highest significant effect on almost all studied parameters in both seasons. The results suggest that in ‘Sewy’ date palm, 40 % of inorganic fertilizers can be saved by using 8 L of BPS as a sustainable agricultural practice with improved yield and fruit quality.
