Farmers weaht knowledge about extention Recommendations in Desouk district, at Kafr El-Sheikh Governorat

Document Type : Original Article


1 Economic agricultural Dept. Fac. of Agri. Kafrelsheikh Uni.

2 Agricultural Research Center

3 قسم الاقتصاد الزراعى - فرع الارشاد الزراعى


This research mainly aimed to determine the farmers’ knowledge of the technical recommendations for wheat production in the Desouq Center in Kafr El-Sheikh Governorate. Desouq Center was deliberately chosen to conduct this research because it is the largest center in terms of wheat area, and the village of Sanhour Al-Madina was deliberately chosen from the villages of the Desouq Center to conduct this research because it is the largest A village in terms of wheat area, and the research was conducted on a sample of 175 respondents. The most important results are summarized as follows: that about 89%, about 78%, 12%, about 83%, 84%, 92%, about 86%, about 86% , 16%, about 98% of the farmers surveyed were low and medium knowledge of the optimal recommendations for cultivating wheat, and the considerations that must be taken into account when using part of the previous crop as seed, and the land service before planting, the methods of growing wheat, and the considerations that must be taken into account when irrigating wheat , and how to fertilize wheat, control wheat pests, control birds and rodents, and considerations that must be taken into account when harvesting the wheat crop, and considerations that must be taken into account to reduce losses from the wheat crop, respectively. The results also indicate that the independent variables together explain 39.9% of the variance in Pain The function is changed based on the value of the coefficient of determination R2.


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