An Economic Analysis of Potato Production and Consumption in Egypt: A Case Study of Sohag

Document Type : Original Article


The Higher Institute for management Sciences, Sohag,Egypt


The potato crop is one of the main vegetable crops in Egypt, which occupies a prominent position among the vegetable crops in the crop composition in Egypt, and the research problem focuses on the extent of the imbalance between the amount of consumption and production of the potato crop during the study period (2005-2019), And the presence of a surplus crop estimated at about 1041 thousand tons, this surplus should be directed to export, and this is reflected in the increase in the state's earnings from hard currency, as the development of Egyptian agricultural exports is one of the important means on which agricultural economic development in Egypt depends ,The study aims to analyze some productive and economic indicators of the potato crop in Egypt, as well as to study the consumption indicators of the Egyptian potato crop, to study the gap between production and consumption and the percentage of self-sufficiency of the potato crop in Egypt during the study period. In addition to studying the economics of potato production in Sohag Governorate through a field sample that was conducted in Sohag Governorate.
The most important findings of the research could be summarized a follows:-
The area planted by the potato crop increased by a statistically significant annual rate. It amounted to about 15.69 thousand feddans, equivalent to about 5.9% of the average area planted with potatoes, which is about 265.95 thousand feddans in Egypt, in the average period 2005-2019))


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