Planning of Extension Program for Developing the knowledge of banana growers at Sidi Salem and Riyadh Districts in Kafr El-Sheikh Govemorate

Document Type : Original Article


1 Economic agricultural Dept. Fac. of Agri. Kafrelsheikh Uni.

2 جامعة کفر الشيخ - کلية الزراعة- قسم الإقتصاد الزراعي - شعبة الإرشاد الزراعي

3 قسم الاقتصاد الزراعى- فرع الارشاد الزراعى-كلية الزراعة جامعة كفر الشيخ


The research mainly aimed to Planning of Extension Program for Developing the knowledge of banana growers at Sidi Salem and Riyadh District in Kafr El-Sheikh Govemorate. Two Districts of Sidi Salem and Riyadh were selected from the ten affiliated administrative centers because they are the most famous banana-growing centers for the governorate of Kafr El-Sheikh, and a village was chosen randomly from each of the two centers The chosen ones, which are famous for growing bananas, resulted in the random selection of the village of Bsais in the center of Sidi Salem, and the village of Al-Dabgha in the center of Riyadh, on a sample of 201 respondents. 83% of the farmers surveyed were low and medium knowledge of the guiding recommendations for the production of the banana crop for the banana crop, and the most important problems of banana production and marketing were represented in the increase in the cost of transporting bananas from the farm to the storage and settlement refrigerators before the final sale to retailers, the high cost of settling bananas in the refrigerators, which leads To increase the cost of energy, the most important sources of knowledge for the farmers surveyed were parents, neighbors, relatives and friends, and dealers of agricultural production requirements. J, director of the agricultural cooperative and agricultural guide in the village.
